KHM event recording

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln


Das Veranstaltungsarchiv bietet Zugang zu Audio- und Videoaufzeichnungen von Vorträgen, Konzerten, Ausstellungen und Konferenzen, die im Kontext der KHM stattgefunden haben und sich auf die interdisziplinäre Lehre bzw. Forschung und gesellschaftspolitische Entwicklungen beziehen.

John Miller and Aura Rosenberg: Recent Work

  • Julia Scher
  • John Miller
  • Aura Rosenberg
Year: 2018
Begin: 14.06.2018
Event form: Vortrag
Aura Rosenberg and John Miller are artists based in New York City and Berlin. As a married couple, they sometimes collaborate and exhibit together but they usually work independently. Rosenberg will discuss two current projects Berlin ""Childhood"" and ""Statues Also Fall in Love"" and how they grow out of earlier work. Both series span photos, video and sculpture. Miller will present recent projects such as ""Reconstructing a Public Sphere"" and ""Walking in the City"", which focus on the nature of public space. These projects take the form of texts, photographs and PowerPoint slideshows. In addition to their lectures, Rosenberg and Miller will perform a short selection of their original songs.
  • Julia Scher
  • John Miller
  • Aura Rosenberg
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
  • 2:15:09
    © Miller, Rosenberg, KHM
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