KHM event recording

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln


Das Veranstaltungsarchiv bietet Zugang zu Audio- und Videoaufzeichnungen von Vorträgen, Konzerten, Ausstellungen und Konferenzen, die im Kontext der KHM stattgefunden haben und sich auf die interdisziplinäre Lehre bzw. Forschung und gesellschaftspolitische Entwicklungen beziehen.

Ghost Season. Reading with novelist Fatin Abbas & conversation with Kwame Anthony Appiah and donna Kukama, Professor of Contemporary Art / Global South at KHM.

  • donna Kukama
  • Fatin Abbas
  • Anthony Appiah Kwame
Year: 2024
Begin: 26.06.2024
Event form: Buchpräsentation

Fatin Abbas, born in Khartoum/ Sudan and raised in New York, earned her PhD in Comparative Literature from Harvard University, and her MFA in Creative Writing from Hunter College, New York. She will read from her debut novel Ghost Season followed by a discussion with Prof. Kwame Anthony Appiah and the South African artist donna Kukama (Professor of Contemporary Art / Global South at KHM) who will also moderate the programme.

The five central characters in Abbas' novel, set in current Sudan, reveal intimate and unexpected experiences of personal belongings and boundaries. How do the panelists view these dynamic identities, also with regard to their specific backgrounds and personal ""Wings with Roots"".

A programme of stimmen afrikas in cooperation with KHM. Promoted and supported by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb, Kunststiftung NRW and Stadt Köln.

  • donna Kukama
  • Fatin Abbas
  • Anthony Appiah Kwame
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
  • 1:29:32
    Reading with novelist Fatin Abbas & conversation with Kwame Anthony Appiah and donna Kukama, Professor of Contemporary Art / Global South at KHM
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