English title: Tuesday Year: 2004 Length: 00:09:00 Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: Diplom
The daily life of an old married couple: lost in the monotony of everyday life, lonely, with no social contacts and stuck in the past. As surprising as it may seem though, they still have hopes and dreams of another future.
Regie und Buch: Robert Wiezorek Comicvorlage: Otto Wiezorek Kamera: Panagiotis Costoglou Szenenbild: Birgit Esser, Sandra Ankiewicz Schnitt: Robert Wiezorek, Kawe Vakil Sounddesign: Daniel Migge Musik: Karsten Scheunemann, Jochen Hartmann-Hilter Darsteller: Hans-Peter Deppe, Maria Mittler
Prof. Hans Beller, Prof. Dietrich Leder, Prof. Heide Hagebölling
Robert Wiezorek
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Deutscher Kamerapreis 2005 (01.01.2005) Tuesday (feature film, 2004, 00:09:00) by Robert Wiezorek Chaim (feature film, 2005, 00:15:00) by Jonathan Greenfield
Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden 2004 (01.01.2004) Tuesday (feature film, 2004, 00:09:00) by Robert Wiezorek Driving Volkswagen (feature film, 2003, 00:07:00) by Sebastian Poerschke