Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Prof. Dietrich Leder
Werner Dütsch
Rita Schwarze
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Los Rebeldes

Cover image of the project Los Rebeldes
  • Ariane Kessissoglou
Subtitle: Dokumentarische Miniatur
Year: 2001
Length: 00:10:00
Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
In her short documentary Ariane Kessissoglou comes across revolutionary remnants in a production for a radio play in Havana. The Cuban radio station “Radio Progreso” broadcasts radio novelas in their slot for adventure, much to the delight of those party members that have remained faithful to the revolution. History is being made. In their tireless struggle, the “Rebels of San Pedro” are accompanied by foley artists and deejays who provide the acoustic scenery - synchronized, mono, analog.
Regie, Kamera, Ton und Schnitt: Ariane Kessissoglou
Mischung: Wolfgang Rixius
Titel: Matthias Schellenberg
Blow-Up: Claudius Schulz
Mit: Carmen Solar, Orlando Hernandéz Rivero, Lorner Quintero, Marta Lanier, Modesto Moraseda, Yaki de la Nuez, Hilario Viñedo, Manolo Feral, Rolando Peña, Iván Pérez, Rafaél Nin
Prof. Dietrich Leder, Werner Dütsch, Rita Schwarze
  • Ariane Kessissoglou
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project Los Rebeldes


    Latif, Lateinamerika-Kurzfilmabend der Universität zu Köln 2009 (09.12.2009 - 09.12.2009)
    Cubaloco (feature film, 2005, 00:17:00)
    by Hugo Marcel Oliva Vargas
    Agridulce (documentary, 2008, 00:45:00)
    by Julia Keller
    ¡nada, Regla, nada! (feature film, 2008, 00:15:25)
    by Philipp Enders
    A Taste of Honey (experimental film, 2008, 00:10:30)
    by Simon Rittmeier
    Los Rebeldes (documentary, 2001, 00:10:00)
    by Ariane Kessissoglou
    Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden 2001 (01.01.2001)
    Wenn Gott hustet (feature film, 2000, 00:15:00)
    by Ruth Olshan
    Lehrfilm über die Rekonstruktion von Stasiakten (documentary, 2000, 00:12:00)
    by Anke Limprecht
    Cable Car (feature film, 2000, 00:11:00)
    by Claudia Rorarius
    Got to go (feature film, 2000, 00:11:00)
    by Florian Mischa Böder
    Zwilling (feature film, 2000, 00:15:00)
    by Claudia Rorarius
    Los Rebeldes (documentary, 2001, 00:10:00)
    by Ariane Kessissoglou
    Viktor (feature film, 2001, 00:12:53)
    by Michael Ester
    Window with a view (animation film, 2001, 00:08:47)
    by Vera Lalyko
    Filmfest Dresden 2019 (09.04.2019 - 14.04.2019)
    Engel (feature film, 1999, 00:20:00)
    by Ulrike Molsen
    Als zöge die Landschaft (feature film, 2005, 00:09:00)
    by Steffi Niederzoll
    Schwimm, wenn Du kannst (feature film, 2006, 00:24:00)
    by Serdal Karaca
    A Taste of Honey (experimental film, 2008, 00:10:30)
    by Simon Rittmeier
    Mila Caos (feature film, 2011, 00:18:00)
    by Simon(e) Jaikiriuma Paetau
    The Blue Car (feature film, 2014, 00:20:00)
    by Valerie Heine
    Nubia (feature film, 2015, 00:10:57)
    by Marina Zolke
    A Mythology of Pleasure (documentary, 2018, 00:05:56)
    by Jule Katinka Cramer
    by Lara Zurdezas
    Mute fire (feature film, 2018, 00:11:30)
    by Mahmoud Ben Jamil Belakhel
    by Agustina Sánchez Gavier
    (animation film, 2019, 00:08:00)
    by Yana Ugrekhelidze
    Viene del cielo (experimental film, 1997, 00:20:00)
    by Christian Becker
    by Tom Schreiber
    Los Rebeldes (documentary, 2001, 00:10:00)
    by Ariane Kessissoglou
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