English title: Galileo's moons Subtitle: Galileos Monde Year: 2011 Length: 00:50:00 Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: Diplom
Simplicio: ""The important thing is being able to move the earth without causing a thousand inconveniences."" (G. Galilei, Dialogue)
Regie und Buch: Quimu Casalprim i Suárez Darsteller: Max Hegewald, Lilli Fichtner, Michael Tregor Kamera: Julia Franken Ton: Peter Lange Musik: Felix Roesch
Prof. Matthias Müller, Prof. Dietrich Leder, Elmar Fasshauer
Quimu Casalprim i Suárez
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.