English title: Thomas the High Jumper Year: 2020 Length: 01:32:00 Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: Diplom
Thomas lives at a boarding school with his mother. The adolescent’s only contact with the outside world is through the artificial prism of sport. His life is dominated by dispassionate discipline and unorthodox social rules. Through her ambition to turn her son into a professional athlete, she places him in the charge of the narcissistic trainer Frank. His alternative training methods help Thomas to escape the monotony and the control his mother exercises over his life begins to crumble.
Regie, Drehbuch und Montage: Leri Matehha Bildgestaltung: Jozephina Gocman Schauspiel: Max Poerting, Alexandra Finder, Zhenja Isaak, Kelvin Kilonzo Ton: Maja Tschumi Musik: Nikolai Szymanski Szenenbild: Nathan Schönewolf, Linn Phyllis Seeger u.a. Farbkorrektur: Quimu Casalprim Tonschnitt: Lauritz Baudisch Tonmischung: Judith Nordbrock Produktion: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln und Leri Matehha Förderung: Film- und Medienstiftung NRW
Prof. Pia Marais, Prof. Sophie Maintigneux, Daniel Burkhardt, Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Angerer
Leri Matehha
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Internationale Hofer Filmtage 2020 (20.10.2020 - 25.10.2020) The Whisper of the Marimba (documentary, 2020, 01:19:00) by Greta-Marie Becker Thomas the High Jumper (feature film, 2020, 01:32:00) by Leri Matehha Feint (feature film, 2019, 00:10:00) by Florian Schmitz