Artistic work students

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Prof. Melissa de Raaf
Prof. Sebastian Richter
Project type: 1. Projekt
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren


Cover image of the project Feint
  • Florian Schmitz
English title: Feint
Year: 2019
Length: 00:10:00
Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: 1. Projekt
After 10-year-old Finn spent some time in the hospital, August wants to bond with him by taking him for a hunt. But the insecure father and his son can't seem to find a common ground. Can an eerie encounter make them move closer to each other?
Regie und Buch: Florian Schmitz
 Regieassistenz: Timothy Bidwell
 Scipt-Supervisor: Hannah Lisa Paul, Asena Caki
Bildgestaltung: Tim Pfeffer
Kameraassistenz: Lukas Soboll, Sophia Gamboa
Materialassistenz: Jerry Matrose
Schauspiel: Noah Elias Behrend, Guido Renner
Montage: Till Gombert, Florian Schmitz
 Szenenbild: Karla Stindt, Christopher Spies
 Kostümbild: Diana Bock
Settonmeister: Torsten Büttner
  Oberbeleuchter: Nils Ramme
Beleuchterin: Amandine Dubourg
Grip: Fabian Anger
Grading: Quimo Casalprim i Suàrez
 Sounddesign: Torsten Büttner
 Tonmischung: Judith Nordbrock
 Produktionsleitung: Till Gombert
Produktion: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln und Florian Schmitz
Prof. Melissa de Raaf, Prof. Sebastian Richter
  • Florian Schmitz
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project Feint
Gallery image of the project Feint


    ISFF Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Detmold 2020 (15.05.2020 - 17.05.2020)
    Euphrat (documentary, 2020, 00:03:39)
    by Jelena Ilic
    Feint (feature film, 2019, 00:10:00)
    by Florian Schmitz
    Internationale Hofer Filmtage 2020 (20.10.2020 - 25.10.2020)
    The Whisper of the Marimba (documentary, 2020, 01:19:00)
    by Greta-Marie Becker
    Thomas the High Jumper (feature film, 2020, 01:32:00)
    by Leri Matehha
    Feint (feature film, 2019, 00:10:00)
    by Florian Schmitz
    Filmschauplätze NRW 2021 (20.07.2021 - 17.08.2021)
    Euphrat (documentary, 2020, 00:03:39)
    by Jelena Ilic
    Winter Colours (animation film, 2020, 00:09:20)
    by Adrianna Wieczorek
    Stilles Leben (feature film, 2020, 00:22:46)
    by Anna Ansone
    Ewig Gast (documentary, 2021, 00:08:51)
    by Maximilian Karakatsanis
    ASCONA (documentary, 2019, 00:15:00)
    by Julius Dommer
    Bis zum letzten Tropfen (animation film, 2018, 00:05:45)
    by Simon Schnellmann
    Ayny (animation film, 2016, 00:10:48)
    by Poutiaire Lionel Somé
    by Ahmad Saleh
    Feint (feature film, 2019, 00:10:00)
    by Florian Schmitz
    KHM Showcase 2021 (06.10.2021 - 06.10.2021)
    Feint (feature film, 2019, 00:10:00)
    by Florian Schmitz
    Vor der Leinwand (feature film, 2021, 00:25:21)
    by Semih Korhan Güner
    nicht mehr wehrlos sein (documentary, 2021, 00:54:00)
    by Marion Eisenmann
    Banana Island (experimental film, 2021, 00:04:30)
    by Caro Schwarz
    Ladies Only (documentary, 2021, 01:20:00)
    by Rebana Liz John
    verschwinden (experimental film, 2021, 00:28:23)
    by Angelika Herta
    Mountains are falling down (documentary, 2021, 00:54:25)
    by Christelle Jornod
    Stille.n (documentary, 2021, 00:24:00)
    by VALMA
    Draußen leben (documentary, 2021, 00:35:00)
    by Ruben Kuwertz
    BLACK HOLE LEGION (experimental film, 2021, 00:13:10)
    by Jonathan Omer
    Picnic at Hanging Rock (documentary, 2021, 00:45:40)
    by Naama Heiman
    Sunset Singers (animation film, 2022, 00:10:40)
    by Jessica Poon Poon
    The Swimmer (feature film, 2022, 00:34:28)
    by Sophie Salzer
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