Artistic work students

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Prof. Lars Büchel
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Der Storyteller

Cover image of the project The Storyteller
  • Milan Ruben Kappen
  • Michael Binz
English title: The Storyteller
Year: 2013
Length: 00:01:06
Categories: Film / TV / Video, commercial
This commercial film tells the story of a man who can’t tell stories.
Regie: Milan Ruben Kappen
Buch: Michael Binz
Schauspiel: Piet Fuchs, Julia Karl, Thomas Hatzmann, Hans-Günter Brünker, Luise Schmidt
Kamera: Christian Mario Löhr
Schnitt: Johannes Schäfer
Produktionsleitung: Konstantin Hansen
Herstellungsleitung: Petra Clemens
Prof. Lars Büchel
  • Milan Ruben Kappen
  • Michael Binz
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
  • 01:06
    Der Storyteller
Cover image of the project The Storyteller
Gallery image of the project The Storyteller
Gallery image of the project The Storyteller


    kurzundschön, Wettbewerb für junge Kreative, Köln 2013 (06.11.2013 - 06.11.2013)
    The Storyteller (commercial, 2013, 00:01:06)
    by Milan Ruben Kappen
    by Michael Binz
    Extras (feature film, 2013, 00:05:32)
    by Nele Jeromin
    eccentricity (animation film, 2013, 00:00:20)
    by Diana Menestrey
    by Igor Shin Moromisato
    True Feelings (commercial, 2013, 00:00:40)
    by Simon Glass
    Short Tiger - Next Generation, München 2014 (08.04.2014 - 10.04.2014)
    Emil (animation film, 2013, 00:05:15)
    by Simon Steinhorst
    The Storyteller (commercial, 2013, 00:01:06)
    by Milan Ruben Kappen
    by Michael Binz
    Internationales Werbefilmfestival spotlight, Mannheim 2014 (27.03.2014 - 28.03.2014)
    Kleine Wünsche (commercial, 2012, 00:00:47)
    by Barbara Kronenberg
    by Benjamin Moreno Hornkohl
    The Storyteller (commercial, 2013, 00:01:06)
    by Milan Ruben Kappen
    by Michael Binz
    Death Penalty (commercial, 2014, 00:01:00)
    by Laleh Barzegar
    backup_festival für experimentelle studentische Kurzfilme, Weimar 2014 (21.05.2014 - 25.05.2014)
    Reign of Silence (video work, 2013, 00:07:00)
    by Lukas Marxt
    HEX (music video, 2013, 00:04:54)
    by Benjamin Ramírez Pérez
    by Stefan Ramírez Pérez
    Die dringlichsten Sehnsüchte der Eleonore Schwarz (feature film, 2013, 00:12:00)
    by Anna Mönnich
    by Sebastian Fred Schirmer
    DURING THE DAY MY VISION IS PERFECT (experimental film, 2013, 00:09:50)
    by Benjamin Ramírez Pérez
    The Storyteller (commercial, 2013, 00:01:06)
    by Milan Ruben Kappen
    by Michael Binz
    A Cuban Letter (video work, 2013, 00:06:57)
    by Katja Rivas Pinzón
    Filmwettbewerb der Studiobühne Köln „Nichts wie weg mit dem deutschen Qualitätskino“ (07.07.2014 - 07.07.2014)
    Hotel Alpenglow (feature film, 2013, 00:13:40)
    by Anna Mönnich
    Kosherland (feature film, 2013, 00:15:51)
    by Pyotr Magnus Nedov
    Grizzly (feature film, 2013, 00:08:38)
    by Arved Lindau
    Alpha (feature film, 2013, 00:17:44)
    by Facundo V. Scalerandi
    by Paul Faltz
    The Storyteller (commercial, 2013, 00:01:06)
    by Milan Ruben Kappen
    by Michael Binz
    Anti Cupido (feature film, 2014, 00:15:41)
    by Andreas Pakull
    Filmschauplätze NRW 2015 (01.07.2015 - 10.08.2015)
    We’re the Faithful (documentary, 2005, 00:09:00)
    by Michael Koch
    The Storyteller (commercial, 2013, 00:01:06)
    by Milan Ruben Kappen
    by Michael Binz
    Extras (feature film, 2013, 00:05:32)
    by Nele Jeromin
    Sunday, Büscherhöfchen 2 (experimental film, 2014, 00:14:00)
    by Lina Sieckmann
    by Miriam Gossing
    by Christian Kochmann
    The Blue Car (feature film, 2014, 00:20:00)
    by Valerie Heine
    Fürchtet euch nicht! (feature film, 2014, 00:14:45)
    by Marc André Misman
    Anti Cupido (feature film, 2014, 00:15:41)
    by Andreas Pakull
    Die Bergfrau (feature film, 2014, 00:18:00)
    by Kerstin Neuwirth
    What I forgot to say (animation film, 2014, 00:08:45)
    by Patrick Buhr
    HERMAN THE GERMAN (feature film, 2015, 00:15:00)
    by Michael Binz
    Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden 2015 (01.08.2015)
    DURING THE DAY MY VISION IS PERFECT (experimental film, 2013, 00:09:50)
    by Benjamin Ramírez Pérez
    Grizzly (feature film, 2013, 00:08:38)
    by Arved Lindau
    The Storyteller (commercial, 2013, 00:01:06)
    by Milan Ruben Kappen
    by Michael Binz
    The Blue Car (feature film, 2014, 00:20:00)
    by Valerie Heine
    Die Bergfrau (feature film, 2014, 00:18:00)
    by Kerstin Neuwirth
    The Coming Day (feature film, 2014, 00:15:19)
    by Laleh Barzegar
    by Nora Daniels
    Am Kölnberg (documentary, 2014, 1:25:00)
    by Laurentia Genske
    by Robin Humboldt
    Hopscotch (feature film, 2014, 00:06:55)
    by Mo Jäger
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