Glasmoog – Room for Art & Discourse

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21.10. – 15.11.2024 | Großer Kunstpreis der Freunde der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln e.V.

Friedrich Boell, Naoto Hieda, Julia Jesionek, Shuree Sarantuya


Liminal Beings are those who are in between homes, places, jobs, apartments, dreams, and realities. Beings that cannot easily be placed into a single category and beings that reside in homes that exist between contemporary nomadism and urban houselessness.

For many, camping becomes a temporary departure from the constraints of urban life. It is a curated experience where one can enjoy nature's beauty while still cocooned in the familiar comforts. The act of camping becomes a tangible embodiment of modern atavism. Atavism refers to the re-emergence of traits or characteristics in an individual reminiscent of ancestral traits.

Why do we enjoy bird watching, stargazing, hunting, hiking, horse riding, fishing, or just walking in nature? The romantic concept of the wilderness is a side effect of domestication, taking monumental forms and serving as a stage for those craving a dose of atavism. Such stages, like parks, reservoirs, resorts, and gardens, are used even by nearby animals accustomed to coming there to forage for leftover breadcrumbs or materials for their nests.

Shuree Sarantuya is a media artist and activist based in Cologne. She was born and raised in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Her work is based on extensive research that leads into an experimental practice in which she uses diverse media to depict the constant transition/migration of a nomadic household to a sedentary lifestyle due to the demands of the current capitalist system.

19.02.2024 – 08.03.2024

Opening: 17h 19.02.2024

Open every Mon and Fri 17h – 19h


Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Filzengraben 2a

50676 Köln

Demnächst / Upcoming

5.12.2024 – 31.01.2025 | Chargesheimer-Stipendium für Medienkunst der Stadt Köln 2024: Danila Lipatov

Asya Ashman, Faris Alrjoob, Tiwo Dannenberg, Polina Kichatova, Konstantin Koryagin, Danila Lipatov, Ian Purnell, Juli Schmidt, Maya Zaretski, Karen Zimmermann in “Enchanted Islands – A Pantomime”.

"How close can I come. How do I sense you. How much space does another person need. Should we exist as a group here. How to organize labour. What means to be a flower. Should I follow what I saw. Why are you saying sensual. Did it feel fake. Is it utopia or polite. Can we sustain it."

Im Zentrum der Ausstellung "Enchanted Islands" in GLASMOOG steht eine Videoinstallation über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer kollektiven Annäherung in temporären Räumen und über Distanzen, die inspiriert ist durch das Pantomime-Stück „Verzauberte Insel“ aus dem Jahr 1972 des queeren sowjetischen Dichters Jewgenij Charitonow (1941-1981). Ein eifersüchtiger Zauberer verwandelt darin auf magische Weise ein schiffbrüchiges Liebespaar in alle möglichen (nicht)-menschlichen Wesen. Doch die Liebenden suchen unaufhörlich weiter nach der Berührung des Anderen.

Eine Ausstellung im Rahmen des Chargesheimer-Stipendiums der Stadt Köln 2024 an Danila Lipatov.

Eröffnung: Mittwoch, 04.12.2024, 20 Uhr

Grußwort: Brigitta von Bülow, Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Köln

05.12.2024 – 31.01.2025

"Enchanted Islands - A Pantomime"

Danila Lipatov in Kollaboration mit Asya Ashman, Faris Alrjoob, Tiwo Dannenberg, Polina Kichatova, Konstantin Koryagin, Ian Purnell, Juli Schmidt, Maya Zaretski, Karen Zimmermann.

Öffnungszeiten (derzeit wechselnd je nach Ausstellung):

Mi-Sa, 16–20 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung.

Sonn- und feiertags geschlossen.


21.12.2024 – 05.01.2025


Space for Art & Discourse


Academy of Media Arts Cologne


Heumarkt 14
D-50667 Köln

Opening hours currently vary depending on the exhibition.

phone: +49 221 - 20189 - 213

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