Teaching Staff

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Prof. Ute Hörner

Professor of Multispecies Storytelling
+49 221 20189 - 371

Ute Hörner studied sculpture at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart and media art at postgraduate level at the KHM. 1996 she was the director of the Videonale 8 at Bonn Kunstverein. 1998-2008 professor of media art at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design. Collaboration with Mathias Antlfinger since 1990.

Hörner/Antlfingers installations, videos and sculptures deal with the relationship between humans, animals and machines and provide both: critical perspectives on changeable social constructs as well as utopian visions of fair terms of interaction between these parties. Together with the grey parrots Clara and Karl they have carried out the interspecies collaboration CMUK since 2014. Their work has been shown at numerous international exhibitions and festivals (Museum Ludwig Cologne, ZKM Karlsruhe, Shedhalle Zuerich, National Museum of Fine Arts in Taiwan, Ars Electronica in Linz, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Werkleitz Biennale Halle, Transmediale Berlin, NGBK Berlin, KAC Istanbul, CCA Center for Contemporary Art, Tbilisi among others). In 2016 they joined the Minding Animals network.


Awards and Grants i.a. Kunststiftung NRW (2015), Honorary Mention, Prix Ars Electronica, Linz (2012) | Artists in Residence, Digital Art Center Taipei, Taiwan (2011) | Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Arts, Oldenburg (2010) | 5. Marler Video-Installation-Award (2008) | 7. Werkleitz-Biennale (2006) | ars viva 00/01 – arts and sciences, award for visual arts, Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI (2001)

Aktuelle Publikationen / recent publications include:

Multispecies Storytelling in intermedial Practices (2022)

Edited by Ida Bencke und Jørgen Bruhn. Contributions by authors including Karen Bolender, Vinciane Despret, Hörner/Antlfinger, Katie Lawson, Carol Padberg, Helen V. Pritchard and Loup Rivière. Punctum Books, Santa Barbara

Das Tier und Wir (2021)

Magazin für Kulturgeschichte. Herausgeber: Museum August Kestner, Hannover. Isensee Verlag Oldenburg

wild/schön, Tiere in der Kunst (2021)
Herausgeberin Lisa Felicitas Mattheis.
Mit einem Essay von Thomas Macho. Kunsthalle Emden, Henri und Eske Nannen Stiftung

Goodbye Cruel World, It’s Over, Erdlingsgeschichten (2020)
Herausgeber*innen: Janine Blöß und Hörner/Antlfinger. Mit einem Text von Jessica Ullrich. Erschienen im Verlag der Kunsthochschule für Medien

Animals (Un)Tamed, Human-Animal Encounters in
Science, Art and Literature (2019)

With a text by Dorothee Fischer, Journal of the LUCAS Conference, University of Leiden

40.000 A Museum Of Curiosity, 14th Fellbach Triennial (2019)
Editors: Brigitte Franzen and cultural office city of Fellbach. Koenig Books, London

HEIM/TIER Tier-Mensch-Beziehungen im Wohnen (2019)

Mit Texten u.a. von Jessica Ullrich, Anne Hölck, Hörner/Antlfinger, Ellen Spickernagel und Mareike Vennen. Herausgeberinnen: Silke Förschler, Christiane Keim, Astrid Silvia Schönhagen. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld

TIERSTUDIEN, Tiere Erzählen (2019)
Herausgeberinnen: Jessica Ullrich / Alexandra Böhm
Neofelisverlag, Berlin


Hörner/Antlfinger und das Interpezies Kollektiv CMUK (2016)
Mit Texten von Katja Davar und Jessica Ullrich. Verlag der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Exhibition guide and essay collection. Texts by Fahim Amir, Dietmar Dath and Mareike Maage, Sue Donaldson & Will Kymlicka, Hilda Kean, Massimo Perinelli, Hilal Sezgin and Kim Stallwood. Published by nGbK Berlin

Ctrl-Z, ISSUE#6 New Media Animals (2016)
Conceived and curated by Guest Editors Jane Mummery and Debbie Rodan. Texts by authors including Brett Buchanan, Vinciane Despret, Hörner/Antlfinger, Dominique Lestel and Ionat Zurr. Published by Ctrl-Z, new media philosophy, Perth

Planet–B, Ideas for a New World (2016)
Herausgeber: Alain Bieber & Lukas Feireiss.  Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln

Hörner/Antlfinger. Discrete Farms (2012)
Published by Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Arts. With texts by Peter Bexte, Barbara Engelbach, Ingmar Lähnemann and Mieke Roscher. Revolver Publishing, Berlin

Lectures - Seminars

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