Teaching Staff

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Prof. Matthias Müller

Professor of experimental film
+49 221 20189 - 140

Matthias Müller, born in 1961. Studied at Bielefeld University and Braunschweig University of Art.

Visiting professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt, and the FH Dortmund among others. Curatorial work for Goethe-Institut and Max-Ophüls-Preis. Jury work in Filmbüro NW and Hessen, Lower Saxony film commission and at many festivals. Film and video since 1979; since 1999 at times with Christoph Girardet. Festival participation at Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Toronto and Rotterdam among others. Exhibitions at MOMA, New York, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and Image Forum, Tokyo. Various awards, incl. Prix du meilleur court métrage, Cannes, Preis der Deutschen Filmkritik, Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis, Preis des Verbandes der Deutschen Kritiker, Marler Video-Kunst-Preis. Numerous groups and solo exhibitions. Work represented in the collections of the Centre Georges-Pompidou and Tate Modern.

Books about Matthias Müller (selection):

- Ute Stuffer, Kunstverein Hannover (ed.): Christoph Girardet & Matthias Müller - Tell Me What You See. Nürnberg 2014

- Scott MacDonald: A Critical Cinema 5. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London 2006

- Stefanie Schulte Strathaus (ed.): The Memo Book – Films, Videos and Installations by Matthias Müller. Berlin/London/Toronto 2005

- Kathrin Becker (ed.): Matthias Müller – Album. Frankfurt/M. 2004

Lectures - Seminars

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