Born in Berlin in 1963.
1983–1984 Camera assistant at DEFA-Studio for documentary films.
1989 Graduated as cameraman from HFF Potsdam-Babelsberg.
Since 1989, worked freelance, later self-employed, as a cameraman on around 70 film productions, of which over 50 feature length (90 min.), in many genres of documentary and feature film.
Since 2000, various teaching posts at HFF Potsdam-Babelsberg incl. as visiting professor in 2003.
1989 Nomination for Student Oskar: Leb wohl, Joseph
1992 Grimme Prize: Letztes Jahr Titanic
1992 Preis der dt. Filmkritik: Stau jetzt geht´s los
1993 Grimme Prize: Verlorene Landschaft