Isabel Herguera, Zilvinas Lilas, Dr. Tania de León Yong, Saeyun Jung
Specialist seminar
Filzengraben 18-24, Animationsstudio, 0.1
This seminar is aimed at students with experience in animation who have a project in development (film, installations, games, XR, VR, or any other format). It will build upon the concepts and practices introduced in the seminar ANIMATION PRODUCTION, a Survival Kit_01 new students are also welcome but in order not to repeat the concepts we already review it will be required to deliver a dossier and of their project with the concepts covered in the previous semester (Concept, Log-line, Sinopsis, Technical data, rough budget and a basic production calendar).
Throughout the semester students will develop a Dossier/presentation and all the documents and materials necessary for a pitch: script, visual style, storyboard, animatic, and teaser. Alongside the conceptual development, the seminar will focus on the three pillars of production: budget, financing plan, and production calendar.
Additional topics as: strategies for staying motivated during the long process of animation, team work, and the distribution/ exhibit strategies of the work will be also talked.
Students will be required to show regular and continuous progress on their projects.