
35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Dr. Juliane Kuhn

Staff unit / press and PR manager
+49 221 20189 - 135
+49 221 20189 - 49135

Studied new German literature, art history and French philology in Saarbrücken and Munich (master’s 1990 / PhD 1994, dissertation on the author, painter and filmmaker Peter Weiss), 1988 dramaturgy assistant at Staatstheater Saarbrücken, 1990–1994 journalist for theatre and literary criticism and research assistant at Saarland University, 1994–1996 head of press and public relations at Theater Basel, 1996–2002 head of press and public relations and dramatic adviser at Staatstheater Darmstadt, 2002–2004 paternity leave, 2004–2008 freelance as journalist for TV productions, lecturer in culture PR and culture marketing at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.

Since April 2008, press and public relations officer at the KHM, also the KHM equal opportunities officer since June 2014 to December 2022.

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