
35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Heike Ander

Staff unit / curator of exhibitions and cooperations
+49 221 20189 - 213
+49 221 20189 - 49213

Heike Ander was born in Stuttgart in 1969 and studied cultural studies and aesthetic practice at the University of Hildesheim. 1995 research associate for theory; 1997–2000 guest lecturer for art and media sciences and cultural theory, Merz Akademie, University of Applied Art, Design and Media, Stuttgart; 1996–2001 research associate at Kunstverein München; 2002 coordinating editor, documenta11, Kassel; since 2003 independent curator and editor, incl. curator at Kunstraum München; 2003–05 project lead on “Making Things Public”, ZKM|Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe; 2005–07 editorial lead on documenta12 magazines, Vienna/Kassel; since April 2008 consultant for exhibitions and artistic collaborative projects and artistic head of Glasmoog – Raum für Kunst und Diskurs at the KHM. Member of the KHM publishing team since 2009.Heike Ander was born in Stuttgart in 1969 and studied cultural studies and aesthetic practice at the University of Hildesheim. 1995 research associate for theory; 1997–2000 guest lecturer for art and media sciences and cultural theory, Merz Akademie, University of Applied Art, Design and Media, Stuttgart; 1996–2001 research associate at Kunstverein München; 2002 coordinating editor, documenta11, Kassel; since 2003 independent curator and editor, incl. curator at Kunstraum München; 2003–05 project lead on “Making Things Public”, ZKM|Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe; 2005–07 editorial lead on documenta12 magazines, Vienna/Kassel; since April 2008 consultant for exhibitions and artistic collaborative projects and artistic head of Glasmoog – Raum für Kunst und Diskurs at the KHM. Member of the KHM publishing team since 2009.

Publications and papers (selection):

2007 “Curt Nolte – Das Gewöhnliche an diesem Morgen im Herbst/Podcast – weitestgehend naturbelassen” and “Kar-Heinz Degenhardt – Ohne Titel”, artmix.podcast galerie, Hörspiel und Medienkunst/Bayerischer Rundfunk; “Ieva Auzina, Esther Polak und RIXC: MILKproject”, in: exhibition catalogue Ökomedien, Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg; documenta 12 Magazine, Nr. 1–3 (Ed. + Prod.), Kassel: documenta 12, Cologne: TASCHEN; 2005 Föhrenwald (ed. with Michaela Melián), Frankfurt/Main: Revolver: “rpm – Die Drehzahl der Revolution”, p. 17–34; 2003 “‘Die Rennen sind das Leben. Der Rest ist Warten’ – Testrunden auf der Landstraße zwischen Le Mans, Mulsanne und Arnage”, in: Andreas Wutz – Le Mans, Cuxhavener Kunstverein, p. 2–15; 1998 Mieke Bal: Lili Dujourie – Schweben zwischen Gegenstand und Ereignis (Ed.), Munich: Fink Verlag; Claude Cahun – Bilder (Ed. with Dirk Snauwaert), Munich: Schirmer/Mosel; 1997 David Lamelas – A New Refutation of Time (Ed.), Düsseldorf: Richter Verlag: “David Lamelas: Werke/Works 1962–76”, p. 21–109.

Exhibitions (selection):

2008 “Just Play”, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg, and kunstraum muenchen, Munich; 2005 “Michaela Meliàn – Föhrenwald”, kunstraum muenchen, Munich; 2004 “Running the City” (with Stefan Römer), kunstraum muenchen, Munich; 2001 “Heinz Emigholz: Die Basis des Make-Up 1974–2001”, Kunstverein München; 2000 “No Swimming – Klaus Hohlfeld, Henrik Olesen, Pia Rönicke, Sean Snyder”, Kunstverein München; 1998 David Lamelas – Time Cuts (with Andreas Staiger), Künstlerhaus Stuttgart as part of the Filmwinter festival, Stuttgart.

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