
35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Valerie Heine

Assistant professor feature film directing / editing
+49 221 20289 – 479

Artistic research fellow at the KHM since 2018.

Valerie Heine was born in Berlin in 1985. She initially studied philosophy and art history at the Freie Universität Berlin. In 2006 she took a method acting course at the Actors Center in San Francisco. She received a scholarship from Berkeley Film Institute in 2008. After switching to the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, she was an exchange student at the International Film and Television School of San Antonio de los Banos in Cuba. Her second film project EL CARRO AZUL was made there. The film was shown at numerous international festivals (incl. Berlinale, Clermont-Ferrand), won first prize in the NRW section of the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen and was nominated for the German short-film award.

Lectures - Seminars

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