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Nadja Küchenmeister

Assistant professor literary writing/editing
0221 20 189 176

Nadja Küchenmeister was born in Berlin in 1981, where she lives as a freelance author. Studied German literature and sociology at the Technische Universität Berlin and Deutschen Literaturinstitut Leipzig. She works in broadcasting as a literary critic and author of radio plays and features, and also teaches at Bielefeld University and the Deutschen Literaturinstitut in Leipzig among others. Numerous awards, including Mondseer Lyrikpreis (2010), Ulla-Hahn-Autorenpreis (2012), Förderpreis zum Bremer Literaturpreis (2015). Her volumes of poetry Alle Lichter (2010) and Unter dem Wacholder (2014) were published by Verlag Schöffling & Co.

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