
35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Dr. Edward George

Fellow / Kunst- und Medienwissenschaften

Edward George is a writer, broadcaster and photographer. A founder of Black Audio Film Collective, George wrote and presented the ground-breaking science fiction documentary Last Angel of History. He hosts Sound of Music (Threads Radio), and Kuduro – Electronic Music of Angola (Counterflows). George’s series The Strangeness of Dub (Morley Radio) dives into reggae, dub, versions and versioning, drawing on critical theory, social history, and a deep and a wide cross-genre musical selection. The series will form the basis of a book. George's completed, yet-to-be published photo-poetry book, Dub Housing, forges a relation between photography, architecture and dub against the backdrop of the Covid pandemic. Current work includes Genealogies of Rock Against Racism, a live broadcast of The Strangeness of Dub at London's Barbican Centre. Forthcoming projects include The Strangeness of Jazz, a live presentation at London's Cafe Oto. Projects in development include Adamah, an anti-Facist photography and electro acoustic work based on the memorial plates that adorn the streets of Cologne commemorating Jews who lost their lives to the Nazis.

Edward George lives and works in London.

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