
35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Tina Tonagel

Guest Professor of Sound 2

Tina Tonagel (*1973) is a visual artist and musician.

After a six-month internship with a stone sculptor, she studied art and music at the University of Bielefeld from 1994-1999 on a teaching degree and moved to the Academy of Media Arts Cologne in 1999, where she graduated in 2004 in the field of media art with VALIE EXPORT.

From 2004 to 2008 she directed the exhibition space "Maxim" in Cologne and organized various festivals on analog technologies in media art. She has been giving workshops on electronics, music and media art since 2007 and is co-founder of the association "Wilde Kulturtechniken e.V.".  Since 2010, various teaching positions at the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts, HBKsaar, Saarbrücken and the IFS International Film School in Cologne, among others.

Tina Tonagel works in the fields of kinetics, sound art and visuals and develops space-related kinetic installations and sound objects. One focus of her work is on the aesthetics and comprehensibility of electromechanical constructions and analog sound generation.

Using self-invented instruments and overhead projectors, she develops audiovisual performances and explores unusual concert formats with various musicians*. In 2019, she founded the experimental female band 120 DEN, which plays exclusively on electronically modified mannequin legs.

Tonagel studied (1994-1999) art and music on a teaching degree at the University of Bielefeld and moved to the Academy of Media Arts Cologne in 1999, where she graduated in 2004 in media art with VALIE EXPORT. Her work has received numerous awards and has been shown at exhibitions and festivals in Germany and abroad, including transmediale Berlin, European Media Art Festival Osnabrück, Museum Ostwall Dortmund, European Soundart Award Marl, Moers Festival and Museum Marta Herford.

Lectures - Seminars

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