Queer Studies

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Queer Studies in Arts and Science

Information about »Queer Studies in Arts and Science« will follow soon.

Queer Studies in Arts and Science


Audio series from the international conference 
QUEER TOSQUELLES – Anti-Fascism, Vagabonding Psychiatry, Non-Identitarian Lives

The transversal audio season presents the lectures of the international conference "QUEER TOSQUELLES - Anti-Fascism, Vagabonding Psychiatry, Non-Identitarian Lives" that took place this June at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne (KHM), in cooperation with the eipcp (>>>>). The conference brought together researchers and artists working on the genealogies of Catalan/French psychiatrist François Tosquelles's  (1912–1994) manifold surrounds and exploring the potentials of his practice today. Starting from the practices of Tosquelles, who influenced Félix Guattari, Frantz Fanon and many others, the talks engage with the history and actuality of revolutionary, anti-fascist practices from institutional analysis to political philosophy. Here, queerness emerges in many facets: through Tosquelles's insistence on the deconstruction of the nuclear family and the importance of other forms of making kin, through the various rhythms of vagabonding, through the weird, the strange, the non-sensical and the non-normalized, through a political philosophy of multiplicity, through a queering practice that traverses all non-identitarian forms of life.

New episodes will be published on Wednesdays at 18:00 CET, starting on 30 October 2024 with:
Isabell Lorey: Ergotherapy, Vagabondage, and Instituent Care


Current seminars


Podcast von Trailer Sparks / Frischling Senderix: anarcha-queeres Radioschaffen

Trailer Sparks / Frischling Senderix
Trailer Sparks praktiziert und befragt queer-feministische Praxen unter pandemischen Bedingungen. Wie kann politisches Radiomachen aussehen? Ist es Politik, Kunst oder doch Tagebucheintragsvorlesen? Radio ist eine Beziehungsweise und eröffnet einen sozialen Raum. Beziehungsweise. Trailer Sparks reflektiert in diesem Podcast über one-way Kommunikation, deren Macht und innere und äussere Beziehungen. __ Sonst sendet Trailer Sparks im Rahmen des Freien Sender Kombinats (FSK) in Hamburg.

Der Podcast ist entstanden im Rahmen des Seminars „Quer gehört! Queer Listening? Voice, Radio, and Agency“ von Isabell Lorey und Anna Bromley im Sommersemester 2020.

Kunst- und Medienwissenschaften

Assistenz der Fächergruppe

Assistant Art and Media Studies

Maren Mildner
T +49 221 20189 - 123
Fax: +49 221 20189 - 49123

Heidi Pfohl
T +49 221 20 189 383

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