
35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Ghosts at the Feast

An exhibition project by students of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) from the seminar “urban stage ff.” by Mischa Kuball, professor of Public Art / Public Space.

Ausstellungseröffnung: Freitag, 24. November 2023 (bis 10. Dezember), 18 Uhr, Weltkunstzimmer
Ronsdorfer Str. 77a, 40233 Düsseldorf
25.11. bis 10.12.2023
Do–So, 13–19 Uhr, Eintritt frei

With works of

Javkhlan Ariunbold, Blanca Barbat, Gina Bojahr, Kris Bublevskaya and Ráhel Eckstein-Kovács, Dagmar Buchenthal, Cătălina Bucos, Bidisha Das, Saioa Fischer Abaigar, Yuantian Gao, Hani Gimna, Lisa James, Jinhyun Kim, Ella Kühn, Tatsiana Licheuskaya and Hanna Karaneuskaya, Jannika Lösche, Ting-Chun Liu, Mary Mikaelyan, Vanessa Monti, Juan Francisco Rodriguez, Jazmin Rojas Forero, Hyunji Seo, Seylee, Helin Sezen Korkmaz and Renxing Zhou, Ivonne Sheen Mogollón, Julia Vergazova and Nikolay Ulyanov, Caroline Weyers, Zoe Wrede, Mengting Xing, Kimmy Yonghyuk.


Saturday, 9 December 2023, 6 PM, Weltkunstzimmer

Moved by the multi-layered architecture of Weltkunstzimmer (WKZ) and collective reflections on traces, we have come to the notion of "ghosts" as a metaphor for our exhibition.

Ghosts as time-based appearances and spaces as overlapping layers of time. With the old factory building’s (hi)stories and the remnants it exhibits, the space invites us to seek the traces we find imprinted in structures, systems and ourselves.

“GHOSTS AT THE FEAST” is an idiom that comes from Shakespeare and refers to the unwelcomed memories that reappear. We have used it as a point of reference to evoke our memory, walk along the traces we find, dig into layers of the abandoned, the left behind, to bring out, to conjure and enlighten what haunts us. The feast is the exhibition space where we narrate and welcome the ghosts.

The works were discussed collectively among the artists in the seminar “urban stage ff.” by Prof. Mischa Kuball. The way connections are woven between the artworks is the immediate result of our reception of the special architecture of the WKZ and the relationship of each work to the notion of ghost. The artists are organized in groups, so-called “zones”, where they share ideas, support each other, and find links between their works. By means of overlapping, these zones create a collective landscape.

We welcome you to join the feast!

Curatorial team: Jannika Lösche, Ella Kühn, Jazmin Rojas Forero, Hani Gimna, Helin Sezen Korkmaz.

Die Ausstellung im WELTKUNSTZIMMER wird unterstützt vom Verein der Freunde der KHM e.V. , von der Stiftung der Sparda-Bank West und der Hans Peter Zimmer Stiftung.

Editor — Juliane Kuhn
Ghosts at the Feast

Courtesy of the artists

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