
35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Securitisation on/of Campus

Lecture (engl.) by Teresa Koloma Beck and discussion (dt./engl.) Moderation: Katrin M. Kämpf (Queer Studies, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln)
Donnerstag, 21. November 2024, 17-19 Uhr, online
Mit Anmeldung:
Moderation: Katrin M. Kämpf

Securitisation is a process by which issues of public concern are transformed into matters of security. It leads to the emergence of securitised social spaces which are marked by a complex entanglement of individual experiences, discourse and public policy. Based on preliminary insights from an ongoing qualitative study the lecture explores recent dynamics of (in)security and securitisation in/of academic institutions and everyday campus life and discusses their relevance in the horizon of broader societal transformations. 

Teresa Koloma Beck: researches globalisation and everyday life under conditions of violent conflict and crisis, with an interest in the present of the colonial and imperial past. She is a professor of sociology at Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg.

Katrin M. Kämpf: researches in the field of history of sexuality and feminist Science & Technology Studies with a particular interest in technosecurity cultures and queerfeminist technologies of care. She is an assistant professor for Queer Studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.

Anmeldung unter:

The lecture is part of "Facing the Authoritarian Drift: Art Schools as Sites of Critique // Abdrift ins Autoritäre, oder Kunsthochschulen als Orte der Kritik“, a Series of Events Organized at German-speaking Art Schools, Winter Semester 2024/25 and Summer Semester 2025.

More information and all dates:

Editor — Konstantin Butz
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