Founding Year
According to § 1 paragraph 2 of the Kunsthochschulgesetz (Art Colleges Act) the KHM is a corporation under public law and an institution of the federal state of NRW. The responsible authority is the Ministry for Culture and Science of the Federal State of NRW with whom current agreements on goals and performance are agreed for respective periods of four years.
“Media and Fine Art” course
- Undergraduate / Diploma I (9 semesters)
- Postgraduate / Diploma II (4 semesters)
- Doctoral Programme (PhD.)
- English-language teaching: partial
- Semester fees / Semester: approx. 300 Euro
Students / Staff in numbers
- Students: (WS 2015/16) 349; (WS 2016/17) 364; (WS 2017/18) 392; (WS 2018/19) 403; (WS 2019/20) 389; (WS 2020/21) 395; (WS 2021/22) 409
- Beginners: (WS 2015/16) 77; (WS 2016/17) 72; WS (2017/18) 83; (WS 2018/19) 63; (WS 2019/20) 54; (WS 2020/21) 75; (WS 2021/22) 58
- Application: (WS 2015/16) 499; (WS 2016/17) 584; (WS 2017/18) 560; (WS 2018/19) 565; (WS 2019/20) 531; (WS 2020/21) 497; (WS 2021/22) 549; (WS 2022/23) 529
- International students (WS 2015/16) 110; (WS 2016/17) 128; (WS 2017/18) 139; (WS 2018/19) 151; (WS 202019/20) 151; (WS 2020/21) 156; (WS 2021/22) 158
- Doctoral students: (WS 2015/16) 14; (WS 2016/17) 13; (WS 2017/18) 13; (WS 2018/19) 16; (WS 2019/20) 13; (WS 2020/21) 10; (WS 2021/22) 11
- Professors: 39 with full-time and part-time professorships
- Honorary Professors : 1
Artistic-academic staff: 26 with part-time and full-time positions (without third-party funds)
- Other staff: 79 with part-time and full-time positions
KHM Rectors
Manfred Eisenbeis (founding commissioner until 1990) Klaus Katz (founding rector 1990-1994) Siegfried Zielinski (1994-2000) Anthony Moore (2000-2004) Andreas Henrich (2004-2007) Marie-Luise Angerer (2007-2009) Klaus Jung (2009-2014) Hans Ulrich Reck (since April 2014)
KHM Buildings
1989 moved into Rheingasse 8 (today’s library/media library with Studio A) and Peter-Welter-Platz 2; from 1994 the buildings at Filzengraben 18-24 and the atelier in Großen Witschgasse 11 were added; 1997 the rental of Filzengraben 8-10 followed; from 2005 the occupation of the complex of new buildings at Filzengraben 2 followed; from 2008 use of Glasmoog at Filzengraben 2a with the ateliers above and behind it. Today the KHM is spread across seven building complexes around Filzengraben.
Organigram KHM
Address / headquarter
Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Heumarkt 14
50667 Cologne
Fon: +49 221 20189 - 0
Fax: +49 221 20189 - 17
Rector's Office
Susanne Hackländer
Fon: +49-221-20189-111
Assistant to the Rectorate
Heidrun Hertell
Fon: +49-221-20189-130
Press / PR office
Fon: +49 221 20189 - 135 / - 330
Fax: +49 221 20189 - 49135
Fire Protection Officer
Markus Fabricius
Tel.: +49 221 20189 – 264
Guard duty
Fon: +49 221 20189 - 105
Mobil: +49 173 7480228
Website administration