Please send us an email with the subject “Writing for the screen” to enroll in the course:,
Typ | Start | End | Day | Turnus | from-to | Location |
30.01.23 | 01.02.23 | Einmalig | - | Filzengraben 18-24, Seminarraum 0.18/0.19 |
Typ | |
Start | 30.01.23 |
End | 01.02.23 |
Day | |
Turnus | Einmalig |
from-to | - |
Location | Filzengraben 18-24, Seminarraum 0.18/0.19 |
Some skills cannot be taught by textbooks, especially not if the aim is to innovate. Yet, as we all know, to break rules we need to know them. Or, is it as simple as that? We can also question if there are any rules to break, or do you have to set them yourself?
In this course, you will learn the basics of screenwriting, examine dramaturgy as an enquiry of space and time, how to develop characters and write convincing dialogues. Furthermore, we will explore the relationship between the written material and the actual filmmaking process.
Besides this, there will also be the possibility to present and discuss your own projects in the group. The course will be held in English and German.
Please send us an email with the subject “Writing for the screen” to enroll in the course:,
Karin Cordes
Juliane Schwibbert
Claudia Warnecke
Heumarkt 14
50667 Köln
Tel.: +49 221 20189 - 194 /
119 / 187 / 249
Opening hours: Mondays + Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. + Thursdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
For enquiries or appointments, please call us, Mon - Thu 9.30 to 1 p.m., or send us an e-mail.
Winter semester 2024/25
Lecture period:
Oct. 21, 2024 until Feb. 14, 2025
Summer semester 2025
Lecture period:
Apr. 14, 2025 until Jul. 25, 2025