Course Catalogue

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Course Catalogue WS 2024/25

The Aesthetics of Collectives

Theory seminar
WS 21/22
Target group
Main course / Diploma 2

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Dates - place & time

26.10.2125.01.22TuesdayWöchentlich10:00 - 13:00Filzengraben 8-10, Seminarraum KMW, 2.04
from-to10:00 - 13:00
LocationFilzengraben 8-10, Seminarraum KMW, 2.04

Seminar description

Art collectives immediately foreground the question of organization, particularly the organization of labor in art making as well as the individuation of the artist and art work. Moreover political collectives, research collectives, and social/familial collectives help to make visible the division of social reproductive labor in particular. This seminar is a comparative examination of how collectives explore their conditions of possibility. It will focus especially on how collectives attempt to experiment transversally with organizational form to address these questions. Special attention will be paid to these questions in the decolonial context, where the state presents particular obstacles and economic ‘development’ more still.

We will enter into conversation, live and via zoom, with a number of contemporary collectives including Weekend Affair and Post-Museum in Singapore, KUNCI in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and the Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy in California, USA. Some of the questions we will raise with the collectives include the gendered division of labor, state surveillance and sponsorship, collective approaches to the (dis)identity of the artist, the artwork, and the show.

We will also examine our own practices of collectivity or barriers to such practices.

Subsequent changes / additions

Key Readings:

- KUNCI Study Forum & Collective, Letters: The Classroom is Burning, Let’s Dream about a School of Improper Education (2020)

- Andaiye, The Point is to Change the World: Selected Writings of Andaiye, edited by Alissa Trotz (2020)

- Felix Guattari and Suely Rolnick, Molecular Revolution in Brazil (1986)


Valentina Desideri

Ronald Rose-Antoinette

Student office

Student Office

Karin Cordes

Juliane Schwibbert

Claudia Warnecke

Heumarkt 14

50667 Köln

Tel.: +49 221 20189 - 194 /

119 / 187 / 249

Opening hours:   Mondays + Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. + Thursdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

For enquiries or appointments, please call us, Mon - Thu 9.30 to 1 p.m., or send us an e-mail.

Winter semester 2024/25

Lecture period:
​​​​​​​Oct. 21, 2024 until Feb. 14, 2025

Summer semester 2025

Lecture period:
​​​​​​​Apr. 14, 2025 until Jul. 25, 2025

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