Log-in, Renewals, Reservations

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Log In

Sign In
After logging into your user account in the library's discovery system, you have access to your loans, renewals and orders. You may change displayed language in the user account profile drop down list to english or spanish

Extend + Reserve

Within the loan period, media can be renewed up to the maximum loan period of 90 days (students) or 180 days (teachers), as long as there are no reservations by other persons. After the loan period has expired, media can no longer be renewed. A new loan is then only possible after presenting the title to the library. Please use your library account to renew your loans at https://discover.khm.de to extend your loans.
We recommend that you preregister items that are on loan from others in the Discovery System as needed.

Reminder + Reminders

Reminder and reminders
An email reminder will be sent one week before the loan period expires to remind you to return or extend the loan. The loan period can be extended up to the maximum loan time as long as there are no reservations from other people.
If the deadline is reached, a reminder will be sent to return the media. In case of non-return and loss, borrowers are liable for damages according to §21 of the usage regulations.


Opening times

Lecture period

Monday - Thursday
10 am - 6 pm
10 am - 3 pm

Lecture-free period

Monday - Thursday
10 am - 4:30 pm
10 am - 2 pm



Rheingasse 8

50676 Köln

Fon:+49 - (0)221 - 20189 - 160

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