Das exMedia Lab ist ein Arbeits- und Experimentierraum für transdisziplinäre und transmediale Projekte und die Erkundung von Material an der Schnittstelle von analogen und digitalen Realitäten.
Die Projekte und Experimente von Studierenden werden durch Beratung und Bereitstellung diverser Technologien unterstützt, die Entwicklung von noch unklaren/ offenen Fragestellungen im Prozess begleitet.
Im exMedia Lab werden kritisches Nachdenken, kollektives Arbeiten und die Entwicklung von Eigenverantwortlichkeit in einem sozialen Umfeld und im Umgang mit Technologien gefördert und praktiziert.
The exMedia Lab is a structural element, which strengthens the laboratory idea at the Academy of Media Arts. It is the central and largest work area of the department and serves, among other things, as a working space for the post-graduate students of exMedia. This laboratory is less a place for the provision of technical work equipment, but rather an inner-institutional free space for socio-technological research and aesthetic experiments.
exMedia offers an unsurpassed opportunity of experiencing an exhilarating freedom of an art academy without being subjected to the ferocious rules of the art market. In the exMedia Lab, for example, questions and forms of processing are promoted that do not already know their position in the first place.
Characteristic of the intersection of the individual emphases is the fundamental idea of a THINK & DO TANKS - a reflective, material-experimental, collective work. Thus, a collaborative development of interdisciplinary methods and action spaces is to be promoted, in which students can develop their own responsibility in a familiar social repectively technological environment - and de facto by the use of experimentation. The laboratory is headed by three artistic-academic staff members -Jacqueline Hen, Verena Friedrich, Karin Lingnau.