
35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Prof. Alejandro Bachmann

Professor of film history and film theory
+49 221 20189 – 368

"The cinematic movement has great similarity with the stream of thoughts and images of the brain activity; it is depends on entrusting oneself to this stream."

Alexander Kluge

"In the beginning was cinema. A beginning within history. The cinema appeared in the modern age in a turn against progress. It had its origin not in technological innovation, but in another moment of history, which shows itself as interruption, as resistance."

Heide Schlüpmann

Alejandro Bachmann is a cultural worker with a focus on mediating and writing about film, and in putting together film programs (with a focus on documentary and documentary and experimental forms). 2010-2019 Researcher

research assistant, later head of the department "Mediation, Research and Publications" of the Austrian Film Museum. Since 2015 part of the selection committee in the section Documentary Film of the Diagonale - Festival of Austrian Film, from 2019 to 2020. Member of the selection committee of the Duisburg Film Week. He is associate editor of the FOUND FOOTAGE MAGAZINE and the Film Education Journal. Recurring dramaturgical consultations for feature films and documentaries, most recently artistic collaboration on Motorcity (Arthur Summereder, AUT 2021).

Book publications:

  • with Michelle Koch: Austria Real. Dokumentarfilm, 1981-2021 (working title, publication expected 2022).
  • Images, Folds: The Films of Sebastian Brameshuber. Le Studio 2019
  • with Michelle Koch: Echos. On the documentary work of Werner Herzog. Vorwerk 2018
  • with Rasmus Greiner, Alexander Horwath, Winfried Pauleit and Ingo Zechner: Das Unsichtbare Kino. After the film No. 15 (Berlin/Bremen 2017).
  • Spaces in Time. The Films of Nikolaus Geyrhalter. Sonderzahl 2015

Film programs (selection):

  • Documentary in Dialogue: Werner Herzog, Anthology Film Archives, New York (withMichelle Koch) April 8-14, 2019.
  • Documentary Combatants: Heynowski & Scheumann, Documentary Film WeekHamburg. April 3-7, 2019
  • In person: Deborah Stratman, Arsenal - Institut für Film- und Videokunst e.V. inCooperation with Filmkollektiv Frankfurt and Österreichisches Filmmuseum. October 4 & 52018
  • Province under Tension. Tropes of the Provincial after 1968, Diagonale - Festival of Austrian Film. March 13-18, 2018
  • This is not America - Austrian Drifters, Diagonale - Festival of Austrian Film. March 19-24, 2017
  • The Last Machine - Analog Film Art from Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Österreichisches Film Museum. November 16-18, 2016
  • Von wegen Schicksal - Helga Reidemeister, Austrian Film Museum. Nov. 16-18, 2016
  • Paul Verhoeven, Austrian Film Museum (with Matthias Wittmann). June 3-19, 2016

Lectures - Seminars

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