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Welcome to KHM's service section

The KHM’s service section is user defined. Different user groups—employees, students and guests of the KHM—are granted authorisation to access specific information and downloads.

Use the download pool’s search function or enter the service section via your user group.

Useful help and contacts

People from all over the world study and work at an art academy. It is quite normal that conflicts can arise, not least because of our different socialization. Even if we grew up in the same country, we may have different backgrounds. Communication can help us understand each other better, open up new perspectives and resolve conflicts. We encourage everyone to take their own perceptions seriously and to reach out to trusted people here at KHM.

The following people at our university can help with concerns and problems:

For all status groups at the KHM

For students

For employees

  • Representative for the severely disabled KHM staff
  • BEM-Beauftragte

Inge Herrig, Praxis im Hürther Beratungshaus, Esserstr. 30a, 50435 Hürth-Efferen


  • KHM-Company doctor

Dr.  Mariam Konner, Fachärztin für Arbeitsmedizin

For employees from administration and technology

For artistic-scientific employees

Contact points outside the KHM

For students

For all status groups at the KHM

In emergency / acut crisis

Auf Wunsch schalten die Beraterinnen direkt eine Dolmetscherin hinzu (18 Fremdsprachen)

Tel: 030/18555-1855,

Address / headquarter

Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Peter-Welter-Platz 2
D-50676  Cologne
Fon: +49 221 20189 - 0
Fax: +49 221 20189 - 17

Rector's Office

Susanne Hackländer
Fon: +49-221-20189-111

Assistant to the Rectorate
Heidrun Hertell
Fon: +49-221-20189-130

Press / PR office

Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Peter-Welter-Platz 2
D-50676 Köln
Fon: +49 221 20189 - 135 / - 330
Fax: +49 221 20189 - 49135

Fire Protection Officer

Markus Fabricius

Tel.: +49 221 20189 – 264

Guard duty

Fon: +49 221 20189 - 105
Mobil: +49 173 7480228

Website administration


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