The annual show/open studios (aka Rundgang) presenting works by students and recent graduates from KHM will take place from July 03-07, 2024 turning ateliers, studios, laboratories etc. into a festival-like exhibition landscape. You are cordially invited to participate. Submissions are possible until: April 22.
☛ What to do?
Please submit your proposals latest until Monday April 22, 2024, via the online form at:
☛ Deadline
Monday, April 22, 2024
☛ What is required?
- Please make sure to submit a detailed description, including size and measurements, the spatial requirements, viewing or listening links for video/audio works as well as a list of equipment you’ll expect to borrow from the “Ausleihe”. Additional information like sketches and/or images can be sent separately by email to (max. 8 MB or via Wetransfer or else). Thanks.
- Please consider a certain flexibility of the presentation, especially in terms of spatial requirements, in order to expand the possibilities to meet the different requirements for all participating artists and to develop a coherent exhibition layout and dramaturgy.
☛ Who can submit?
Proposals from all semesters are welcome. However, as the space and equipment available is limited, priority will have to be given to works by graduate and postgraduate students and diplomas in the event of bottlenecks. Please kindly understand if not everything can be realised.
☛ Exhibition spaces
The exhibition spans a wide variety of spaces at the KHM, including Glasmoog, the Studiofoyer, Studios A and B, the Ateliers + Laboratories as well as the new exhibition spaces at Heumarkt 14. Digital formats and virtual spaces are also welcome.
In addition, ephemeral and time-based live formats, such as concerts, lectures, performances, readings and the like, are possible as well. Some studios and laboratories will be organized from the respective teaching contexts. MATJÖ is involved as an external exhibition space.
Joint tours are planned in May.
☛ Organisational matters
- Please contact the workshop or the various labs as early as possible if you need support in realising your projects.
- Please note that equipment from the "Ausleihe" can only be booked after approval by the exhibition office.
- There is no separate production budget available for the realisation of projects for the annual Rundgang.
- Please note also, that all students exhibiting in the Rundgang are kindly asked to guard the rooms they’re presenting their work in themselves. Thanks!
☛ Questions?
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the curator Heike Ander [she/none] via Following the registration deadline, there will also be open consultations to discuss questions and spatial considerations in person.
Karin Cordes
Juliane Schwibbert
Claudia Warnecke
Heumarkt 14
50667 Köln
Tel.: +49 221 20189 - 194 /
119 / 187 / 249
Opening hours: Mondays + Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. + Thursdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
For enquiries or appointments, please call us, Mon - Thu 9.30 to 1 p.m., or send us an e-mail.
Winter semester 2024/25
Lecture period:
Oct. 21, 2024 until Feb. 14, 2025
Summer semester 2025
Lecture period:
Apr. 14, 2025 until Jul. 25, 2025
Address / headquarter
Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Heumarkt 14
50667 Cologne
Fon: +49 221 20189 - 0
Fax: +49 221 20189 - 17
Rector's Office
Susanne Hackländer
Fon: +49-221-20189-111
Assistant to the Rectorate
Heidrun Hertell
Fon: +49-221-20189-130
Press / PR office
Fon: +49 221 20189 - 135 / - 330
Fax: +49 221 20189 - 49135
Fire Protection Officer
Markus Fabricius
Tel.: +49 221 20189 – 264
Guard duty
Fon: +49 221 20189 - 105
Mobil: +49 173 7480228
Website administration