Study office

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
KHM Köln
053150000000 Köln




The Student Office is open at Heumarkt 14, I. OG, room 1.19  on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. -  4 p.m.; furthermore we can be reached for questions, certifications and appointment requests by phone (+49 221 20189 194) Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and via email at

General information

General information

Welcome to the Student Office of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. We take care of your questions, worries and needs concerning your studies at the KHM.

Enrolment for new students will be done digitally on our website. Detailed information will be sent by e-mail at the end of August / beginning of September. The link to the online enrolment process will be provided after the semester fee has been received.

The necessary documents are also be uploaded here. After your details have been checked, the enrolment certificates, the student ID and semester ticket will be issued and can be picked up at the student office by appointment at the beginning of the semester.

Re-registration is required before the start of a new semester. The necessary information for re-registration will be communicated by e-mail and also posted on the website. Approximately one week after the payment of the semester fee, the current student ID incl. semester ticket as well as the study certificates will be available here at the student office for pick-up.

In the first semester, student counselling by a professor is obligatory and must be documented by the professor's signature on the “Mentorenbogen”. This intensive, personal student counselling serves to prepare students for the special requirements of project-based study. The “Mentorenbogen” must be submitted to the study office at the latest by the time of re-registration for the 2nd semester.

For study achievements completed in seminars or within projects, students receive “Leistungsscheine” signed by the lecturers. Students need to collect the signatures and submit the "Leistungsscheine" to the student office themselves. Guidance for the preparation of written assignments is available here. The “Leistungsscheine” are registered and returned to the students at the end of their studies. 

A leave of absence from studies is possible in certain cases upon application. This application ("Beurlaubung Antrag") must be submitted to the student office within the re-registration deadlines, together with the relevant supporting documents and, in some cases, the endorsement of a professor. In the case of a leave of absence, the full study semesters are suspended. The obligation to pay semester contribution does not apply in the case of incapacity to study due to illness, in the case of completion of the Federal Volunteer Service and due to studies abroad.

The standard time to degree (“Regelstudienzeit”) is 9 semesters for undergraduate studies (Diplom 1) and 4 semesters for postgraduate studies (Diplom 2); these periods are increased by 1 to 4 semesters for studies during the Corona pandemic (depending on the start of studies). If the "Regelstudienzeit" is exceeded, the restrictive measures, 
Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Regelstudienzeit, of the Rectorate apply.

The binding guidelines can be found in the Diploma Examination Regulations (“Diplomprüfungsordnungen”) 1 and 2.



As of now, re-registration for the summer semester 2025 is possible. Please use the following bank details with the new reference number:

Credit institution: Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen

Account holder: Landeshauptkasse NRW


IBAN DE54 3005 0000 0001 6700 25

New amount: 397,15 € (Please transfer exact amount)

Reason for payment (the following details are absolutely necessary for allocation!):

!! Attention new !! cash reference: 95000004473

name of student, matriculation number

Re-registration is deemed to have taken place if the amount has been credited to the above account by 18.03.2025.

Student ID, semester ticket and study certificates can be picked up one week after receipt of the semester fee at the student office on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Pre-diploma examination

In their 3rd semester students of the Diploma 1 course are invited to take the pre-diploma. For registration 8 study achievements have to be completed and must be presented in the study office:

- 3 theory seminar certificates, at least one of the chosen seminars must be from the Art and Media Studies department

- 5 basic seminar certificates from at least three different categories, a detailed typology can be found in the basic seminar catalog ("Katalog Grundlagenseminar").

After the course records have been checked and the registration form ("Vordiplom Anmeldung") has been accepted by the student office, an appointment can be made with the supervisors for the pre-diploma examination. The signed examination form must be handed in to the student office after the examination; cf. additional information in the guideline ("Vordiplom Leitfaden").


Diploma examination

As soon as all transcripts are available, the diploma can be registered.

 Diploma 1 students: 

• 2 theory seminar certificates,

• 5 basic seminar certificates and

• 2 project certificates;

Diploma 2 students: 

• 2 theory seminar certificates,

• 2 subject seminar certificates and

• 1 project certificate

In addition to “Leistungsscheine” checked by the student office, the Diploma registration form ("Diplom1/2 Anmeldung"), a project description and a financing plan - countersigned by a supervisor and the project office - are submitted to the examination board (via the student office). Additional information can be found in the guidelines (Diploma 1 and Diploma 2).

The diploma can only be registered when all “Leistungsscheine” have been submitted and the above-mentioned documents and forms are complete. An incomplete registration cannot be accepted.

 After confirmation by the examination board, the diploma work time of 4 months for the written and artistic part begins. Orientations  and a cover page  are provided for the written work. An extension of a maximum of 2 months can be granted. For this, an informal application with approval from one of the supervisors to the examination board is required.

The final oral examination should take place within a period of 8 weeks after the submission of the diploma.

 If the diploma title and subtitle are available in the student office, diploma certificate and diploma are prepared and can be picked up after presenting the “Laufzettel”.

The application for access authorization (for completion/reworking of diploma projects) for former students is available in the download pool.

Student office

Student Office

Karin Cordes

Juliane Schwibbert

Claudia Warnecke

Heumarkt 14

50667 Köln

Tel.: +49 221 20189 - 194 /

119 / 187 / 249

Opening hours:   Mondays + Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. + Thursdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

For enquiries or appointments, please call us, Mon - Thu 9.30 to 1 p.m., or send us an e-mail.

Winter semester 2024/25

Lecture period:
​​​​​​​Oct. 21, 2024 until Feb. 14, 2025

Summer semester 2025

Lecture period:
​​​​​​​Apr. 14, 2025 until Jul. 25, 2025

Representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses

Petra Clemens

Peter-Welter-Platz 2

50676 Köln
Tel.: +49 221 20189 - 372

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