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THE DIY EXPERIENCE von Alexander Buers gewinnt den Lab 30 Award 2019

The interactive installation is shown in Kultuhaus abraxas.

Vom 24. bis 27. Oktober, Kulturhaus abraxas
Sommestr. 30
86156 Augsburg

in this interactive installation, the artist focuses the topic of “Do-it-yourself”. There are a lot of advantages, but also disadvantages going on with do-it-yourself. It’s often cheaper, better and also faster. But there’s of course also the possibility to fail. In the area of art it’s often associated with freedom and autonomy

During „The DiY Experience “you’ll take a seat at a chair, that is able to move around. Then you’ll drive by different objects and stories, that all focus on the topic of “Do-it-yourself“.

"The Do-it-yourself Experience" manövriert die lab30-Gäste auf eigens entwickelten beweglichen Gartenstühlen vorbei an Objekten und Geschichten, die sich der Ökonomie des Selbermachens widmen.

Alexander Buers (*1987) studied from 2016 to 2019 at KHM (Diplom 2). "The dy experience" is his Diploma project.

Lab30 is the place for experimental analog and digital art projects. The artists are from Germany, Europe, the USA, Asia and Canada. They introduce us to their installations, performances and concerts and generate an electrifying and cosmopolitan atmosphere at Kulturhaus abraxas in Augsburg.

Editor — Juliane Kuhn
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