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Department of Art

The department of art at KHM sees itself as an experimental, open sphere of activity and an interdisciplinary laboratory that fosters innovative formats, perspectives and artistic practices.

The strategies developed here focus on a deconstruction of respect for the complexity of media through everyday appropriation as well as corresponding teaching and technical supervision and the fostering of an intelligent artistic buccaneering spirit. Students develop their interests by way of projects that go far beyond traditional techniques or conventional media practise and the seemingly inherent restrictions of tools and programmes.

By virtue of the resolutely integrative approach in this department, students can decide for themselves which specialisations are most relevant. They develop appropriate methods and use their own skills for the responsible realisation of personal and social visions and intentions. The materials of this artistic practise are contemporary media, which the students use to propose a different view of the world to that presented by the repetitive and manipulative media stimuli that we are constantly exposed to.

Through the close relationship and interweaving of artistic methods in the department of art, a unique creative and theoretical field of tension is created between various positions within media art.

The interdisciplinary permeation practised here delivers decisive impulses for an overhaul of traditional disciplines as well as for the genesis of completely new processes for the creative tasks of the future. This attracts great interest in the form of numerous prizes and awards, research projects, exhibitions and publications.

News from the Department of Art

Seminars Summer Term 2024

Student Projects

Teaching Staff

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