Online registration of KHM Projects

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Online registration of KHM projects

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KHM students can register their projects for the Archive using the attached form. Some of the information about the project will subsequently be published on the KHM website.

* The boxes marked with an asterisk must be filled in.

Please note that the registration of a project is only complete once the media files (photos, videos) have been submitted/uploaded!
Instructions for the upload of media files can be found above (FTP Upload).

It is also possible to send the media files via Email, Dropbox or Wetransfer directly to the archive (archiv(at)

Personal Details

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Project Details

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By sending this form I agree to the archiving of this data within the KHM project archive. Some of this data will be visible on the KHM website after it has been transferred. If certain data is not to be published on the KHM website, please send us a short message:, in this case, the date will remain on the internal database and will not be exported.

With the submission of media files (photography, screenshots, video files) to the Academy of Media Arts archive, I declare that I can freely dispose of the copyrighted rights associated with the media files in question for their use in the Academy of Media Arts archive and their provision on the academy’s website, and that their publication does not violate the rights of any third parties, especially their copyright and/or ancillary rights, privacy rights (e.g. right to own image, right to own words) and/or trademark rights.

When the media data is published, the following credits (e.g. author, other rights holders) must be made:


(please state the respective file name and the corresponding credits,

e.g. “photo001.jpg; © Erika Musterfrau /”)

If claims are made against the Academy of Media Arts Cologne by third parties due to the violation of rights associated with these media files, I fully indemnify the Academy of Media Arts from all claims made by third parties against the Academy of Media Arts that are associated with the publishing of the media files in question, erroneous credits and/or the preceding declaration. This indemnity also includes the reasonable costs of legal defence and any further damages occurring through claims made by third parties.


You can revoke your consent at any time. For more information, please see our privacy policy.

* Mandatory field
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