Year: 2004 Length: 01:27:00 Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
Project type: Diplom
Simon Görts started his acting career with a bang, playing the lead in the award-winning film “Oi! Warning”. Much to his disappointment, the big roles, success and fame did not follow. After years of knock-backs, Simon decides to leave Hamburg to try and become a star in Hollywood. The camera follows him on his quixotic quest through the USA, from coast to coast and desert to beach and at all the parties in between. Simon is loud but likeable: a chancer looking for a way into the business.
Buch und Regie: Ulf Behrens Kamera: Ulf Behrens, Simon Görts Schnitt: Janina Herhoffer Sounddesign: Jenique Johnson Darsteller: Simon Görts, Jenique Johnson, Ralf Moeller, Corina Dauckwerts
Prof. Dr. Horst Königstein, Prof. Gebhard Henke, Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski
Ulf Behrens
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
First Steps - Der Deutsche Nachwuchspreis 2004 (01.01.2004) Exploding Ego (documentary, 2004, 01:27:00) by Ulf Behrens Wahrheit oder Pflicht (feature film, 2004, 01:26:00) by Jan Martin Scharf Edelweis Forever (feature film, 2003, 00:29:00) by Jens Schillmöller