Year: 2004 Length: 00:16:000 Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
Project type: 1. Projekt
Rainer is a painter and decorator. Jack is his assistant. However, their life is a film project, “the” film project. Feature-length, on 35 mm, with everything else that goes with it...
Buch und Regie: Jürgen Brügger Kamera: Oliver Stieglitz Ton: Stephan Bartschat
Prof. Thomas Schmitt
Jürgen Brügger
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival 2006 (01.01.2006) Der Traumjob (documentary, 2004, 00:16:000) by Jürgen Brügger Never even (feature film, 2003, 00:09:00) by Jan Schomburg The Babysitter (feature film, 2005, 00:12:26) by Christine Lang