Year: 2005 Length: 01:02:00 Categories: Sound / Music, listening piece/audio arts, Video Art
Project type: Diplom
""Abîme/Nocturne"" is a 62-minute soundplay combined with sequences of images. The work starts off with a sequence of four minutes ""sound only"", backed by a blank/black screen. (Short parts of ""black screen"" reappear from time to time throughout the whole piece.) The visual part, composed of images taken from arranged scenes (partly with actors performing), ""Nocturnal Camera Safari"" and found footage (mostly private 8-mm-material), is edited as a ""doublescreen/two-images-format"". That means: ""Abîme/Nocturne"" is made for presentation on two monitors with two synchronized DVD-Players running (double-full-screen-version). Or: two images on one screen [images in smaller size, side-by-side], just as on the enclosed DVD (2-on-1-Version). The Audio-Part is stereo/48 khz. Moments of nocturnal drift, inviting all the ghostniks to join. In order to get a short overview you can skip through the work by 17 chapters.
Darsteller: Ralph Cüpper, Theresa Hupp, Frank Keutgen, Christoph Kirsch, Vera Sander Kamera: Dirk Specht, Oliver Schwabe Schnitt: Dirk Specht, Christian Becker Drehassistenz: Heinrich Becker Ton: Dirk Specht (Musik/Originalton), Michael Nick (Schlagzeug), Gerriet K. Sharma („james!“/Musik für Epilog), Doris Mücke (Stimme), Philipp Muckenfuß (Studiotechnik, Hamburg)
Prof. Matthias Müller, Prof. Anthony Moore, Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski
Dirk Specht
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.