Year: 2007 Length: 00:23:30 Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
Project type: Seminarprojekt
Who are the people that find themselves at the bottom of society, the long-term unemployed who often find the daily routine a challenge? “Die Ein Euro Jobber” is a documentary film about four unemployed people who are helped to find ‘one-euro-jobs,’ so that they can eventually be reintegrated into the job market. We accompany a one-week course, in which knowledge, social competence and professional experience are determined, in order that the most suitable, so-called ‘integration job’ can be found. We meet Mr. Koch, Mrs. Leppers, Mr. Baumgartner and Mr. Berger again six weeks after the course.
Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit Peter Schüttemeyer Regie und Buch: Corinna Liedtke Kamera: Peter Schüttemeyer Ton: Stephan Bergmann, Daniel Gerken, Gabriel Gauchet Tonmischung: Christoph Schmucker, Ralf Schipke
Prof. Dietrich Leder, Prof. Klaus Helle, Hanno Brühl, Klaus Wildenhahn
Corinna Liedtke
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Independent Days Karlsruhe 2009 (22.04.2009 - 26.04.2009) Die Ein Euro Jobber (documentary, 2007, 00:23:30) by Corinna Liedtke Leavenworth, WA (documentary, 2008, 00:29:00) by Hannes Lang
OpenEyes Filmfest, Marburg 2008 (01.01.2008) Die Ein Euro Jobber (documentary, 2007, 00:23:30) by Corinna Liedtke On the line (feature film, 2007, 00:29:00) by Reto Caffi