Year: 2010 Length: 00:57:32 Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
Project type: Diplom
Sundays in Nicosia; thousands of Asian labour migrants meet in the old city of Nicosia to spend together their only day off within the week. These women come from Sri-Lanka, India, the Philippines and Vietnam to Cyprus, alone without family, for a limited period of time in order to work in the household or as carers at home. The film observes the course of this day over a time span of a year. We are there, at their ceremonies and rituals, whilst preparing meals and playing games. All these human activities attest the transition of a desolate place into a social space - at the edge of urban life where locals don't linger around and yet in the heart of the town. The meeting points of the women lie between two borders, on the one hand the Venetian wall, once separating town from land, on the other the UN-Bufferzone which divides the city and the island in North and South. This intermediate zone is being enlivened every Sunday whilst history can be deduced from the surfaces of the buildings. A place solidified in its historicity shines in a new light - dies solis. A film about joy, pride, sensuousness, satisfaction, about people who radiate a sense of well-being far away from home.
Konzept, Kamera, Ton und Montage: Marianna Christofides Filmassistenz: Bernd Bräunlich Montage-Betreuung: Daniela Kinateder Tonmischung: Ralf Schipke
Prof. Matthias Müller, Prof. Marcel Odenbach, Prof. Werner Dütsch
Marianna Christofides
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.