Artistic work students

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Prof. Ute Hörner
Prof. Mathias Antlfinger
Thomas Hawranke
Project type: 2. Projekt
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Reliquia de las disciplinas geográficas

  • Nieves de la Fuente Gutiérrez
German title: Relikt der geographischen Disziplinen
Year: 2014
Categories: Installation, installation
Project type: 2. Projekt
Reliquia de las disciplinas geográficas is an installation with a hologram, a sculpture from a dingo and a video game. It deals with the visualisation of fantastic worlds that are just possible on a digital sphere and tries to place them on a real and existing place. Originally this project is based on the story ""Del rigor en la ciencia"" by Borges, the Argentinean writer. He describes a kingdom in which the art of the cartography was so spread that the scale of maps on paper got really close to the scale on real life; so the one from a province got as big as a regular city. The next generation of inhabitants decided not to take part in such a lunacy, so the existing maps were abandoned on the desert surrounding the city. They started to get damaged and fold, offering shelter to hobos and beasts of the desert of the west.
Idee und Realisation: Nieves de la Fuente Gutiérrez
Prof. Ute Hörner, Prof. Mathias Antlfinger, Thomas Hawranke
  • Nieves de la Fuente Gutiérrez
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
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