Artistic work students

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Prof. Katrin Laur
Prof. Dr. Sabine Rollberg
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

In Between Time – Край Забытых Богов

  • Anastasia Malkhazova
Year: 2016
Length: 00:52:00
Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
Project type: Diplom
„Teriberka“ is one of millions of lost villages in Russia. It lies far away from big civilized cities, in the deep north between the tundra forrest, the mountains and the north ocean. Like most lost russian villages it is dying out, with its 500 years old culture of fishing, hunting and its traditional northern choir music. The film drama „Leviathan“ by Andrej Zvjagincev, which was shot in this village in 2014 was critized for showing „a dark russian reality“. But what is really happening there? Young people move to bigger cities, while the older population are threatened to move out of their ruined houses, leave their old, destroyed streets. The few citizens who remained in the village have discovered their very own philosophy of life. They seem to look for freedom in the beautiful surrounding nature.
Regie und Buch: Anastasia Malkhazova
Kamera: Alexander Trunkovsky
Musik: thereyoughost
Sound: Marek Forreiter
Schnitt: Anastasia Malkhazova, Rita Schwarze
Farbkorrektur: Fabiana Cardalda
Prof. Katrin Laur, Prof. Dr. Sabine Rollberg
  • Anastasia Malkhazova
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
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