German title: 49. Tag English title: 49th day Year: 2017 Length: 00:17:50 Categories: Film / TV / Video, experimental film, feature film
Project type: Diplom
""Your grandmother told me when I was a child, if I pray for the soul of the dead every day, it can be reborn on the 49th day. Tomorrow is your 49th day."" She has a nightmare every day after her daughter´s death. On the 49th day she tries to dance for the soul of her daughter.
Regie, Buch, Kamera und Schnitt: Minkyou Yoo Schauspiel: Sunkyung Cho, Robin Laux Regieassistenz: Dong-Min Shin Ton: Jiyun Park Kostüme: Claire Kim-Laux Choreografie: Philine Herrlein, Sunkyung Cho Sounddesign: Daniel Paulmann Tonmischung: Judith Nordbrock
Prof. Katrin Laur, Luis Negrón van Grieken, Jens Schillmöller
Minkyou Yoo
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.