Artistic work students

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Prof. Dr. Lilian Haberer
Prof. Mischa Kuball
Prof. Johannes Wohnseifer
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Rotary Spit

  • Anna Kindermann
German title: Am Drehspieß
Year: 2019
Length: 00:24:53
Categories: Video Art, video work, experimental film
Project type: Diplom
Berlin in the year 2031: Where once the Berlin Stadtschloss was built, destroyed and rebuilt, today the desert sneers at the last man standing, who desperately calls for his old heraldic animal. The eagle appears, but no longer as his servant. ROTARY SPIT shows a vision of the future, in which images become conscious and free themselves from their interpretation as a power symbol. By layering fictional and documentary material on top of each other, new spaces emerge, in which fantasies of revolt must compete with the materiality of the natural world. Despite a dystopian starting point, there remains slight hope, that the vicious circle of construction and destruction can be broken and that the black-and-white thinking of opposing views turns to gray matter that is still moldable.
Konzept: Anna Kindermann und Carina Erdmann
Montage: Anna Kindermann
Musik: Søren Siebel
Text: Carina Erdmann, Jens Blümlein
Kamera: Anna Kindermann, Silvan Hillmann
Darsteller: Matze Sommerer, Steel Eagles MC, Carina Erdmann, Martina Mächler, Mateo Chacon-Pino, Nabila Alegre, Yael Wicki, Emanuel Signer, Sara Arzu, Tina Depi, Sebastian Oswald
Prof. Dr. Lilian Haberer, Prof. Mischa Kuball, Prof. Johannes Wohnseifer
  • Anna Kindermann
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
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