Artistic work students

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Prof. Philip Scheffner
Solveig Klaßen
Rita Schwarze
Project type: Seminarprojekt
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Musik: Janis Klinkhammer
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Confessions of Pia Antonia

Cover image of the project Confessions of Pia Antonia
  • Artiom Zavadovsky
German title: Bekenntnisse der Pia Antonia
English title: Confessions of Pia Antonia
Year: 2024
Length: 00:14:22
Categories: Film / TV / Video, experimental film, documentary
Project type: Seminarprojekt
Self-taught artist and independent mother Pia Antonia Klinkhammer engages in a conversation about art making and self expression with students from a German art school, who pay her a visit in her hometown. Sharing with them her life experiences, she sheds light on her unique painting style informed by her rebellion against the philistine upbringing in the suburbs of Cologne. By capturing Pia Antonia Klinkhammer's works on 16mm film, accompanied by her son's music, the students create what eventually becomes her only lifetime solo exhibition.
Regie/Montage: Artiom Zavadovsky
Kamera: Paul Hüpel
Tonaufnahme: Anastasia Osoianu
Musik: Janis Klinkhammer, Soundmix: Judith Nordbrock
Prof. Philip Scheffner, Solveig Klaßen, Rita Schwarze
  • Artiom Zavadovsky
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Musik: Janis Klinkhammer
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project Confessions of Pia Antonia
Gallery image of the project Confessions of Pia Antonia
Gallery image of the project Confessions of Pia Antonia
Gallery image of the project Confessions of Pia Antonia
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