Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Report Null: Inside Metal

Cover image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
  • Philine Reimer
  • Jon Grandpierre
  • Yakob El Deeb
Year: 2024
Length: 00:12:28
Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
In search of the ultimate front row experience at a concert by his favorite band ""Skyrmisher"", hardcore metal fan Sören-Santiago ends up in the North Hessian province. But for him it's about much more than his passion for thrash metal: truth, love and great happiness in times far removed from happiness. The empathetic investigative journalist. Didana-Sara-a, who accompanies the young man, who lives in his mother's small car, before and at the concert, also realizes this.. She gets to know a man for whom metal means both excess and longing - a perfect opportunity to approach him with journalistic sensitivity and human....warmth.
Regie/Konzept/Spiel: Jon Grandpierre & Philine Reimer
Kamera: Yakob El Deeb
Schnitt: Philine Reimer
Ton/Sounddesign: Paul Ziesche
Komposition: Constantin Stemmler
Metzgerin: Gaby Ziesche
Skyrmisher: Jan Wiegratz - Vocals
Niklas Fink - Lead Guitar
Philipp Konle - Rhythm Guitar
Maximilian Botthof - Drums
Till Lessig - Bass
  • Philine Reimer
  • Jon Grandpierre
  • Yakob El Deeb
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
Gallery image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
Gallery image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
Gallery image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
Gallery image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
Gallery image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
Gallery image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
Gallery image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
Gallery image of the project Report Null: Inside Metal
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