Year: 1996 Length: 00:14:00 Categories: Film / TV / Video, film/video essay, experimental film
Project type: Diplom
When there’s day, there’s light. - An off-beat world consisting of images, narrations and sounds. (Filmmarkt Oberhausen) A distant echoback to the era of celluloid films. Reality as a (film-)scenery. In the shadows, the secretive darkness lets us recognize nothing more than flickering, grainy film, which says much more than many well-lit pictures... Anecdotal stories about the artistic light from three different centuries, which play about with the views of life of the respective epochs.
Regie, Kamera und Montage: Thomas Kutschker SprecherInnen: Hildegard Nolden, Vera Böcker, Anna Teigler, Marie Ritter, Daniel Hermes, Matthias Neuenhofer Komposition: Peter Simon, Thomas Kutschker Tonmischung: Ralf Schipke
Prof. Thomas Schmitt, Peter Kiefer
Thomas Kutschker
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Co-production: Filmisches Berlin.