Synaesthetic perception is now evident and has a great influence on european culture history since ancient world. This research project has the objective, to simulate my syaesthesia-subtype with parameters under inclusion of recent results of synaesthesia research. A main objective of the simulation is the use of synaesthetic phaenomena as extended visual soundparameters for musical instrument software and live-electronic performances. The experimental visual musical instrument SYNALIZER which is based upon the theoretical work was realized with GUI in MaxMSP/Jitter as work-in-progress project. At Altitude 2006, the SYNALIZER has been presented as sound installation. Sounds of visitors as well as environment-based feedbacks were transformed in OpenGL-based 3-D shapes. Additionally, the shapes could be modified through midi-controllers. The current version of the SYNALIZER can be downloaded under .
Unterstützung in Max/MSP: Cornelius Pöpel (Audio) und Luis Negron (Visuals) Inhaltliche Unterstützung: Das Synästhesie-Café der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover mit Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Hinderk. M. Emrich, Prof. Dr. med. Rolf Dermietzel (Abteilung für Neuroanatomie und molekulare Hirnforschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum) sowie Dr. Michael Haverkamp.
Prof. Andreas Henrich, Prof. Dr. Georg Trogemann, Prof. Anthony Moore
Markus Dermietzel
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.