Year: 2007 Length: 00:05:36 Categories: Film / TV / Video, music video, experimental film
Project type: 1. Projekt
Based on the conflict of W. Shakespeares protagonists Jago, Othello and Desdemona the film constructs its reduced and atmospherical plot through a body- and cinematographic coreography.
Regie, Buch, Postproduktion und Co-Choreographie: Kai Welf Hoyme Choreographie und Tanz: Aaron Donner, Christian Speidel, Romy Schwarzer Kamera: Florian Michaelsen Musik: Giardini di Miro Kameraassistenz: Johannes Mielsch Licht: Claudia Melcher Kran Operator: Christian Scheppe Postproduktionassistenz: Gonzalo Rodriguez
Prof. Heide Hagebölling
Kai Welf Hoyme
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.