Year: 2008 Length: 00:03:41 Categories: Film / TV / Video, animation film
Project type: Vordiplom
Chiwoo is woken up by a butterfly in the woods. Very fascinated, he starts running after the butterfly. Pollen come into his way and cause a fatal hay fever. A sneezeattack with natural-catastrophic consequences begins.
Regie, Buch, Setdesign, Animation, Schnitt, Postproduktion: Nicole Wegner Kamera: Julia Kotwoski Sounddesign, Tonmischung: Roman Jungblut Geräuschemacher: Dieter Hebben Musik: Hubert Mittermayer Nesterowskiy
Prof. Raimund Krumme, Stephanie Beaugrand, Prof. Zilvinas Lilas, Lars Büchel
Nicole Wegner
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.