Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Along the G-Line

  • Marianna Christofides
Year: 2010
Length: 00:02:12
Categories: Film / TV / Video, experimental film
A seven year old boy is turning cartwheels along the UN–Buffer zone dividing Nicosia in Cyprus. The movement of the body through the successive images marks points on a parallel line to that of the border – both being illusionary mental structures, yet leaving tangible traces in space and time. Through this odd juxtaposition the jumping boy turns into a kind of scale measuring space in another manner. At the same time he transforms a place solidified in its historicity into an active present-day space.
Idee, Kamera und Montage: Marianna Christofides
Performance: Orestis Papayiannis
Tonmischung: Cedric Hopf
  • Marianna Christofides
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Gallery image of the project Along the G-Line


    Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2011 (05.05.2011 - 10.05.2011)
    Nekropolis (animation film, 2010, 00:02:36)
    by Kerstin Gramberg
    Sturmfrei (feature film, 2010, 00:10:00)
    by Sarah Winkenstette
    Oshima (feature film, 2010, 00:30:00)
    by Lars Henning
    A Rock Hudson Dialogue (video work, 2010)
    by Jens Pecho
    Mila Caos (feature film, 2011, 00:18:00)
    by Simon(e) Jaikiriuma Paetau
    Armadingen (feature film, 2011, 00:23:00)
    by Philipp Käßbohrer
    by Matthias Murmann
    by Robert Windisch
    by Jakob Beurle
    Along the G-Line (experimental film, 2010, 00:02:12)
    by Marianna Christofides
    Ali sein Garten (documentary, 2010, 00:14:50)
    by Undine Siepker
    Unlimited - Europäisches Kurzfilmfestival Köln 2011 (10.11.2011 - 13.11.2011)
    Der Schübling (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Visar Morina
    In Particular (experimental film, 2010, 00:08:00)
    by Nicole Wegner
    Placebus (documentary, 2010, 00:04:15)
    by Michael Binz
    Nekropolis (animation film, 2010, 00:02:36)
    by Kerstin Gramberg
    Kamakia -The Heroes of the Islands (documentary, 2010, 00:37:00)
    by Jasin Challah
    Oshima (feature film, 2010, 00:30:00)
    by Lars Henning
    Paled Twice (feature film, 2010, 00:14:30)
    by Annkatrin Hausmann
    by Shirin Saghaie
    Growth (documentary, 2011, 00:23:12)
    by Florian Heinzen-Ziob
    Armadingen (feature film, 2011, 00:23:00)
    by Philipp Käßbohrer
    by Matthias Murmann
    by Robert Windisch
    by Jakob Beurle
    Kidnapped (feature film, 2011, 00:20:00)
    by Sarah Winkenstette
    Along the G-Line (experimental film, 2010, 00:02:12)
    by Marianna Christofides
    Festival International du Court Métrage Lille 2011 (18.10.2011 - 23.10.2011)
    Along the G-Line (experimental film, 2010, 00:02:12)
    by Marianna Christofides
    Ali sein Garten (documentary, 2010, 00:14:50)
    by Undine Siepker
    Holding Still (documentary, 2010, 00:26:35)
    by Florian Riegel
    Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund / Köln 2012 (17.04.2012 - 22.04.2012)
    Nekropolis (animation film, 2010, 00:02:36)
    by Kerstin Gramberg
    Along the G-Line (experimental film, 2010, 00:02:12)
    by Marianna Christofides
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